Two projects designed by the Berlin office have received further recognition. Already the recipient of several awards, the Jacoby studios in Paderborn has now received an Architekturpreis NRW, given by the BDA (Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten) Nordrhein-Westfalen. The jury described the project, which completed in 2020, as “convincing due to its masterful handling of the historic building fabric” and “a stroke of luck for the city, the client and the architects”. A plaque was handed over at the award ceremony on 28 September.
Meanwhile the Kunsthaus Zürich extension, which will open to the public on 9 October, was selected as a winner of an Auszeichnung für gute Bauten der Stadt Zürich, given by the City of Zurich, Switzerland.
Image © Simon Menges